Macbook pro 3 beeps no post
Macbook pro 3 beeps no post

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3) MacBook Air :: 3 Beeps Continuously On Restart? Mar 9, 2012 System install was a success and was able to restart machine B successfully from the hard drive of the faulty machine. Did a clean system install from machine B (while still in target disk mode). Hard drive checks out with no errors and is formatted in Extended Journaled. Fired the machine up as a target disk and ran disk utility via remote control from another machine, we'll call that one 'machine B'. Bought new ram, put it in, reseated it a bunch of times, still three beeps every time.Attempting to restart using the system DVD by holding the C key, same problem. Computer starts with normal chimes, then when it gets to the grey screen with the Apple, I get the 'three beeps'.

macbook pro 3 beeps no post

Now I can't get as far as the password screen any more. So I attempted to boot from my own Snow Leopard DVD, then I started getting three beep errors.

macbook pro 3 beeps no post

I thought this was going to be an easy case of erase-and-install. My friend did not have the password to get into the machine and no original system disc. They were given the computer by someone who didn't want it. I'm working on a Macbook pro 15 A1278 for a friend. MacBook Pro i7 8GB - iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.7) MacBook Pro :: 3 Beeps On Start Up? Mar 22, 2012 I then booted up this morning with a full battery and the boot up took a lot longer than normal - maybe around 3 minutes on the spinning logo, and then finally booted - are these all worrying signs? This i7 is coming up to its first year (which I think is covered by Apple?) and I *think* this maybe a memory issue? If it is, and my Mac is covered, then by a sheer stroke of luck, I decided to get Apple to fit the 8GB memory at the time of purchase (bad I know! and I don't usually do that) BUT that would mean that Apple fitted the memory upgrade and I haven't touched anything myself. However this time, I had the frozen screen saver, and a continuous 3 beeps which I've never had before in a loop? I then re-pressed the power switch on the Macbook and it rebooted fine and seems ok. I get a frozen screen saver which is normal, while the progress bar finds it feet back on power.

macbook pro 3 beeps no post

My Macbook Pro battery had run down (it does quite a bit) so I rebooted with the power inserted.

Macbook pro 3 beeps no post